Work once again is getting in the way of my blogging. Its not like its fun work things like going to the zoo or eating ice cream. Nope its annoying stressful work things. Who would have thought the world of early childhood would be as high stress as it is. Someday it is down right cut throat, high stress unpleasantness.
Its not like I am working in a roller derby where you are aware the other gal in the ring is mean and ornery and wants to knock you on your butt.
Its not like I am a pirate in search of gold and treasure knowing one day my looting and pillaging may to a public hanging or mutiny.
Nope I am an early childhood administrator. A gal who turned her back on the glamor of the stage (Yes, I was once a cow on Broadway. You should have heard my heartfelt mooing. The reviewers just loved me.) Instead I shunned all of that and focused my life on trying to help families and kids.
And I gotta tell you some days I think I need hazard pay. I suggested turning the filling cabinet into a relaxation spa with masseuses and a harpist or a small beach resort to help deal with the stress but unfortunately that seems a little hard to budget (would that fit under office supplies or misc).
But I have lots of faith in Wednesday. Its gonna be better than the last few days. It has too otherwise I am going to invest in a new cow costume.
Finding My Place
1 hour ago
There must be something bovine in the air today. I am dressed in a cow shirt over at SoberMoms and Mama Zen's daughter is dressed in a cow jacket for Wordless Wednesday. Bizarre.
I think the masseuse would go under 'office supplies'. I think you'd have to file the harp under 'misc'. :-)
I don't know why most work environments are so stressful... I used to say in my last job, "we're meeting planners - not paramedics. This isn't life or death for god's sake!"
I bet you were the best cow on Broadway EVAH!
I think you need a new assistant! Job description: Gives great massages, runs to get coffee and lunch, and loves to run personal errands for me, ahem, I mean the children. It is all about the children.
hazard pay rocks let me tell you. hubs gets it and whenever i talk about how much I like the little boost he glares at me and reminds me what he has to do for it. I think you too deserve it. He's often said he'd rather be shot at then deal with kids all day!
This post was very moooving.
Wait - you get paid to eat ice cream?
it would fall under office supplies.... :)
What an udder-ly fantastic post.
Who told you being an administrator would be fun? You need to smack them!
Just make sure you get the right end of the cow costume!
That cow gives me the creeps.
I can't believe I missed the cow!
I actually like the cow.
Suzie, people don't give those who work in childcare enough credit. It's a tough and thankless job, and thank goodness there are people like you who are willing and able to do it!
Especially early childhood education. I worked in a preschool for several years, and it was the hardest job I ever did.
In fact, I think I had strep throat, like...25 times that year.
Your work life is so stressful. I don't know how you do it.
Poor you, I have decided I don't do working with kids. When I return to work I am going to moooove on. Kids are too stressful.
I think being an early childhood administrator would be a grueling job. Mostly because of us parents:)
I do think early childhood educators are overworked and underpaid. And they never get the damn kudos that college professors get. What's up with that?
I always thought I wanted to work with kid. Till I had them! Yes, I would go absolutely nuts if I had to manage other peoples' kids all day! ;)
I am with do you do it? Wow!
MOO, I'm an accountant.
Hope your week is looking UP!
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