I am disturbed.
Last Friday I posted a picture of this man:
As you know I love Sportacus. I get it maybe he's not every ones type even though in reality he looks like this: Ah huh yeah...
But I was amazed. Yes, I will go so far as to say I was shocked concerning the conversation about Blues clues.
How could so many of you pine for Steve? When he has been replaced with Joe
Just look at this beefy guy. He's cute funny and he looks good in a sweater.
Where as Steve is umm Steve.
Now many of you said I need to get out more. That may be true. Maybe its a little sad to be debating who is hotter Steve or Joe. Maybe it takes a sick mind to fantasize about Sportacus while my kids hit each other with blocks.
But at least we are not debating Franklin
Little Bear
Now that would be sick.
Although Little Bear would totally win hands down
Finding My Place
19 hours ago
steve's nice and all, but not so much hot. why isn't the hulk in the running? ;-)
No contest between LB and Franklin. Franklin's way too selfish!
The first time I saw Blues Clues, I thought Steve looked deranged. Something in the eyes. He grows on you though...but not in a romantic way. I have of yet to find a childrens' programming crush. Maybe I'll go for Franklin since I always love an underdog.
I never thought Steve was "hot," but I really liked his wit and humor. In my opinion, Joe is a doofus. He can't sing worth crap either.
Also, it takes a lot more than looks to attract me to a man. For example, I could never be with a guy who had a fantastic body, but was also dumb as a post. It would totally turn me off, and I would soon find him unattractive.
I vote for Franklin. I love that show.
Yes, I might need to get out more.
I'm more of a Sprongebob type although I like Arthur quite a bit, too.
Still votin' for Fargo North (decoder) but he is probably in a nursing home by now.
So since my youngest is into Star Wars the Clone Wars and I have not watched Steve, Joe, Franklin, Little Bear, or Sportacus in forever, I am bowing out of this debate. :)
Okay, Little Bear just makes me nauseous but it's only because my son, who was 4 at the time, used to love to watch Little Bear while I was pregnant with my daughter. I was so sick during that pregnancy, always puking, that now I associate watching Little Bear with barf. He still makes me queasy. So I guess Franklin gets my vote.
LOL! Sadly we don't have cable, so I have no idea who any of those people are :)
Yeah, I'm still too old to understand any of this.
Sporticus is hunky
I feel a bit like I do when I am talking on the phone with my sister about her 9 year old twins and she makes some reference about Spongebob or Blues Clues... and I say to her "It may come as a surprise to you, but I have no idea who you are talking about."
I miss the Bear in the Big Blue House. But not in a lustful way. I have my standards.
Hmm, funny vs. beefcake. I dunno, sometimes a good laugh is all that keeps you going...
But Steve was so sexy when he sang "Here comes the mail..."
Yeah, the bod is pretty nice on your Sportacus but I refrain from fantasising about any childrens' characters. Mostly.
Sporticus not bad when he's not Sporticus. . . But Suzie, although Joe will probably be pretty cute when he grows up, on BC he has acne. They try to hide it but it's there. And he's twitchy. Whereas Steve has that clean cut thing going on. I'm just saying.
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