I had so many blog plans toady. I was gonna write about a party I had where many of the people in attendance I recently re found via facebook and how strange and wonderful the experience was. I was gonna write about how Little B watched Bolt and freaked out and wandered the house in fear of some red eyed girl for 24 hours. But instead I had an experience this morning that knocked it all out of the water.
Getting B out of the house this morning was not easy. I felt like a record on repeat (for those of you young ens a record is a black piece of vinyl with music etched into its grooves used in ancient Rome). I said B get you glove B get your gloves until it sounded like BGETOURGLOVES BGETGLOVES BGEGL...... So we left the house and not only did B not have his gloves but neither did Little S. S was crying and B was chanting that his hands hurt. I stopped the stroller to stick my gloves on them while yelling at B he should have brought his gloves when I look up and who do you think is staring at me?
Yup Tom Cruise's wife is staring at B with a big smile on her face. I stared and turned bright red and tried to pretend I was not just yelling at my children. She waved at B and walked away.
I think I am a celebrity now by association. Soon I will have paparazzi chasing me down. Can't a girl even go to the store without all the flashbulbs? I will say. Soon Ill be wearing big dark sunglasses as I make my way down the red carpet.
Yes Katie Holmes and I shared something special...not sure what but it sure was exciting.
Sometime I just love New York.
Finding My Place
19 hours ago
Wow, that's pretty cool. You're practically a celeb yourself now!
I believe I now love New York too!
Right there?
Looking at you?
How was her hair?
Was Suri with her???
OMG no WAY! Yes, you are indeed a celebrity by association.
Wow- that is awesome!!
Wow- that is awesome!!
Oh, that is funny! I think I would've died of embarassment, but then you'd be in such awe that maybe embarassment wouldn't come into play until after the fact. Whatever it was it sounds exciting just like you said, LOL!
Thanks for the comment on my blog today. :)
She was thinking what a good mommy you are to share your gloves, of course.
When you least expect it. wow!
She's a mom--I bet she wished she could scream sometimes GET YOUR GLOVES without everybody having a hissy fit!
How exciting!
Pretty cool! New York is awesome!
Get out! She was staring at you? That is too fun. New York must be so great.
Now you know why your mom always told you to be on your best behavior. How very cool. Take care, Susan
Oh, BTW.. did you still want me to send you are heart? Let me know.
I miss New York.
That's really awesome!!!
I am obsessed with Katie. I would crap my pants if I actually ran into her. I tried desperately to get hubby to take me to New York to see the play that she was in.
That's so cool! And not only did you see her, she saw you! Maybe she'll talk about these totally adorable kids she saw on the street over dinner tonight. (And their wonderful mom too :)
Now you have to become a scientologist.
Things like that just do not happen in Alabama :\
No way! Get out! That is so cool. Cool things never happen to me. But, I love in Texas and not NYC.
How fun! You never know who you might run into, in NYC, not in Texas where I live. I never run into anyone famous here, unless you count a news guy. I don't think that counts though.
Take care,
How nice of her to observe how the "real folk" do it!
I generally try to keep up appearances in public, but sometimes I don't, and inevitably there's someone there that makes me humiliated as well.
too funny. i probably would've said something to my kid (way too loud and obnoxious) like 'SEE - KATIE HOLMES REMEMBERED HERRRRRR GLOVES?!'
Can I have your autograph?
did you tell her to run that tom wasnt looking?
at least you know your mommie dearest gloves moment wont end up in us weekly.
Well, I am quite impressed .. and I bet she was with you too!
Just for you I will re-name my broccoli dish BROCCOLI JELL. It really is tasty ~ though my sister informed me yesterday that she never liked it!
Can I have your autograph?
Great sighting! I never recognize people in person - so most of my own celebrity sightings have been pointed out to me. Maybe I need glasses....
Exciting :)
I love Katie Holmes. Well done! You got her attention.
Wow! We never see celebrities in Houston. Definitely an upside to NY!
Has the church of Scientology called you yet?
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