I'm back.
Sorry I've been a way so long but once again I've been sick.
My throat was filled with puss and I felt just awful. But I'm OK now. This has been a strange winter. I'm the type that never gets sick and now twice in almost 30 days I am laid up with just gross awful sicknesses. Nothing major just the kind that lands you flat on your back for a good week.
I hate being sick. Housework doesn't stop and the kids seem to need more attention than normal especially if you cant lift your head off the pillow. Hubby was great and really helped out but still.
However there are a couple of really good things about the winter germs. The best part is I lost another 10 pounds! Two illness later I am twenty pounds thinner. I was thinking about getting my own site and adverting loosing 20 pounds in 30 days through the www.rentmygermykidsforaday.com. Since I've poured through all of my sick days for the year I'm going to need the extra income if anyone else decides to get sick this year.
The other good thing is I have lots of good fodder for the blog. In my head I've been blogging away. Boy I was witty and insightful I had 45 comments. I think I won a few awards and was nominated for something. It was great.
So I hope you all haven't forgotten about me. If I could have sat up I totally would have been commenting away on your bloggs. I'm going there now and I promise I have some great insightful...OK I promise to blow you away with my witty wise ....Ok I promise to do the silly word recognition thing on your sites and try it at least twice before I give up and storm away.
Keep healthy
Finding My Place
19 hours ago
I am SO glad your feeling better!
And the kids?
What a winter for SURE!
On the bright side, you should be immune from everything now :)
Oh poor you. I have been wondering how you've been!
Glad you're back.
I gave you 40 of the comments. You blew me away!
This is so exciting, the return of the prodigal daughter. Nope, that doesn't apply here at all. But I'm thrilled you're feeling better.
The $3 for laundry? Washed one load. We've been walking around naked for a week. At the bottom of my list is another $20 for laundry, which will have to be repeated again before the month is out.
This is so exciting, the return of the prodigal daughter. Nope, that doesn't apply here at all. But I'm thrilled you're feeling better.
The $3 for laundry? Washed one load. We've been walking around naked for a week. At the bottom of my list is another $20 for laundry, which will have to be repeated again before the month is out.
I'm sick too, but I haven't lost any weight. Crap.
You're so lucky.
Hey, if you have to be sick you might as well lose weight too, right? Glad you are back and better.
How come when I get sick AND go on the wagon for 5 weeks I gain weight?
I am signing up to rent your germy kids. Can you ship them to Oregon?
Another ten pounds?
I hate you.
Just kidding.
Glad you're feeling better!
I love the word recognition thingies - yesterday I had to type 'redburp'.
Creating those word recognition thingies would be my dream job!
Glad you're better.
arghhh...I've been trying for months to lose 10 pounds and I can't do it because I'm apparently just too darn healthy. Love you bunches, but I think I'll pass on that weight loss plan. Glad you're better. TC, Susan
I consider weight loss to be a perk of illness.
You are SO FUNNY.
Glad to see you back - congrats on the weight loss. Be sure to KEEP IT OFF!
We missed you!! Glad you're better, and that someone gets to be skinny, because that sure isn't me these days.
we really must have exactly what you guys had. damn ny winters. What a rip to survive the flu only to get some cold/throat infection. But your right the weight loss is stellar! Just in time to load it back on with easter candy.
feel better soon!
Throat puss...uuuggghhh...can I puke now?
I din't lose anything when I was sick. Guess I'm just not lucky that way.
I'm reminded of a line from Devil Wears Prada (movie version): I'm just one stomach flu away from my goal weight!
Without those sick days, though, better to stay healthy from now on. Best of luck with that.
I've missed you! Glad you are doing better. It has been a bad year for sickness.
Glad you had a good imaginary life while recuperating.
Glad you are feeling better! I hate it when I feel bad. It makes me grumpy, to which my co-worker responds, "SO, how can we tell you are sick?"
I have thought of starting a cocaine habit bc of the skinny after effects ; )
How fun to win blog awards in your dreams! I'm sorry you have been so sick. Let's knock on wood in hopes that you don't get sick again this winter.
I'm glad you're feeling better!
I would totally rent your germy kids if you could guarantee that I'd lose 20lbs. No question.
Man, that's the painful way to lose weight! Ick. Glad you're feeling better and here's hoping that's the end of the germs!
i've missed your comments but I'm glad your up and about again. The weight loss should last for about a month if you don't actively work on it so enjoy!
So sorry I have missed all your gross puss fueled blogging ...it is just terriv=ble connection at dad's. Hope you are feeling bit better skinnypants and will be in touch shortly.
p.s. back in blighty in a week
Cuz xxx
NEVER forget about you! Onward! :)
sure hope you're back to 100% soon! and no thanks on the germy kids... i've got my own :-/
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