I'm so sick.
I am unable to function. I'm not sure why I'm here at work maybe just to spread the germs around so they wont be lonely.
I think we should start charging tuition for germs as they seem to spend more time at school then the kids do.
I know I should have called in sick but everyone else did.
So here I am spreading my germs. Unable to talk. Wanting to lay on my bed and Watch Big Love.
Sometimes I really hate being a grown up.
Finding My Place
18 hours ago
Oh I am so sorry! That sounds awful, I will be praying for a quick recovery.
Hope you feel better soon.
I really think Big Love would be healing. I LOVE that show!
I know just how you feel. I am home today. My first sick day in 30 years. Blech.
Oh dear. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry you had to go into work. Not fair that everyone else got to call in sick!
I have been coughing for TWO WEEKS now. So over it.
I'm so sorry.
Feel better soon!
Oh I bet I know who gave it to you?
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh god, I am so sorry you're dying. I will be glad to take one or all of your chillins when you "pass". Please don't get any gunk on them. Kisses!
Being sick at works sucks. Go home, have a hot toddy and watch big love. Hope you feel better soon!
At least it's Friday. I hope you can spend the weekend in bed.
Yeah, Big Love might be healing, but a movie with John Cusack is a guaranteed remedy.
Watch a movie and rest. Hope you feel better soon. :)
I so want them to add a new wife! Hey, if you had extra wives, you could have stayed home!
as i mother i have discovered i hate being a grown up exactly 98.2 percent of the time.
(((hugs))) I was that sick for the last 2 days. Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon. (*) this is me hugging you and kissing your forehead to check for fever. Take care, Sweetie. Susan
Oh poor you. I <3 Big Love. Feel better.
I'm with YOU! We are sharing germs LEFT and RIGHT here.
Now, if only I would get the damn STOMACH flu and jup start my diet I'd be fine.
I'm so sorry!
I'm sending you a germ free electronic hug.
Get better soon.
Do you have your own office? If you do, lock the door and take a nap.
I hope you feel better soon.
what the hell is going around? its nasty to say the least. Hell I had to import my mother I really thought I might die.
Hope your feeling better soon!
We've had it around here, too. Feel better soon.
Get well soon Suzie.
It's me again, will sending you a heart make you feel better? Let me know where and I'll send it on it's way. Take care, Susan
Hope you are feeling better soon.
oh no its horrible when you ill. dont you wish you could just fast forward those few days of illness :(
I hope your feelin a little better now
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