Its been some weekend. Everyone has been sick. Our little typhoid Mary otherwise known as Little S has been spreading her sea of germs wither and yon. One cough and she has spread her plague throughout the land. She herself seems to be fine expect for the pool of green snot that is constantly collecting below her nose.
My husband is the worst off. A little kiss snotty from his cute little baby and he has a full blown case of bronchitis. She leaves him laying in a ball moaning in pain.
I thought as a long time daycare director I could not be effected by her germs. I've gone years without so much as a cold. But little did I know that S has super germs capable of stopping a rhino in its tracks and cause it to spontaneously develop a serious case of pink eye. So I too have been effected. As I sit her now I am fighting giving into the throws of a flu she has given to me with her snotty sweet little hands.
Little B isn't much better although his illnesses seem to be shorter in duration then his grown up counterparts. However the whinnying created from the short lived illnesses are enough to drive even the strongest to his knees. Cries of MOMMY I WANT AN ICE POP NOW!!!!! I DON'T FEEL GOOD I NEED AN ICE PACK!!!! WAAAAAA!!! Seem to do more damage than little S's plague ridden hugs.
I've considered putting her in a bigger version of one of those hamster balls to help protect us for her evil germs. I even considered a suit made of plastic wrap and helmet. But I think at least for now we must accept the fact that our darling little daughter is really a germ factory waiting to infect us all.
Finding My Place
19 hours ago
you say things so funny. :)
I feel the same way about my kid. If he gets anything, I always get it worse. blah.
Sounds like it is too late to protect yourselves from her! I hope everyone is well soon.
I hope sweet little snotty nose gets better soon, along with the rest of you! Sounds like a great excuse for chocolate! Or jumping on the bed! (Didn't Mr.B say it solves everything?)
Love the image of the hamster ball. Hilarious!
Spray the kid with Lysol and life goes on. lol
sorry to hear it.
This too shall pass! Eventually. Pass the Kleenex.
A hamster ball could be fun, too :) Hope you all feel better soon.
Oh mannnnn.....
Remeber John Travolta in The Boy In The Bubble?
She needs a bubble.
I hope everyone starts feeling better soon! I Just stopped by to wish you a lovely day and to invite you to enter my blogversary giveaway. Just stop by my blog and leave a comment to enter. Thanks!
I feel your pain and wish you all a speedy recovery and sleepful nights.
Take care,
I have a recommendation for you. I haven't been sick in over a year because of a new product for kids called Germy Wormy. Before that, it was nasty like you are living through.
Here's their website.
ewwww, i hope you all feel better soon! Although, it is stuff like this that makes for entertaining posts? right?
"She herself seems to be fine expect for the pool of green snot that is constantly collecting below her nose."
I don't get it either. How can they be JUST FINE while we are DYING from the same germs??
Oh poor you. This is the hardest thing, I think, when you are sick and they are sick and he is sick. You know who'll still be taking care of everyone, because someone has to. It sucks.
Yeah, there's no fighting the snot monster once it rears its head. Hope you feel better soon.
To be honest, I'd welcome some snot. My mucus is all in my throat and I have coughing fits every three minutes. Plus the old pelvis floor ain't what it used to be.
Little S sounds like my lovely granddaughter, the Divine Miss M, who has left me in a plague ridden state.
Hope you all feel better soon.
i blame the walmart carts. I'm going to start assaulting the world with lyseol spray. the kids here are sick and I'm at wits end.
I spent last weekend surrounded by 3 little ones with pink eye AND the beginnings of a cold. I'd have given my right arm for some of those hamster balls!
The cooties are EVERYwhere....SAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! GET OUT NOW!!!
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