OK I know I sound like a broken record but my 40th birthday will be coming up soon. I have wonderful things to look forward to like checking boxes on forms that say 40-49 mammograms and high cholesterol. It has also occurred to me that my tag line:
30 something Mom of two, has a Doctorate in education and runs a school. Used to be fun and wild and now just needs a nap.
will no longer be accurate.
I could pretend and be 30 something forever but as I will be embracing my middle age-dom I have decided to change it.
I once saw someone else (thanks Vered) do a tag line contest and since I no longer have an original bone in my body and will never be able to think of a fitting tag line I will be doing a giveaway/ contest. Yes between now and August 6th you my bloggy friend will have the opportunity to help me update my blog with a fitting tag line for your rapidly aging friend. The winner will receive two baby Einstein DVD's. You can either play it for your kids or wait until you get to be my age when you once again find watching brightly colored balls roll and toy monkeys playing a tin drum to classical music endlessly fascinating.
So go on give me some ideas. Don't be shy. Unless you are not form the USA in which case you can submit ideas but there is no way I will get it together to get you the DVD's so all you will get is my undying love and gratitude. The winner will be announced August 6th by *Ryan Seacrest who will be mixing cocktails for me all day long and giving free pedicures.
*I don't actually know Ryan Seacrest and he wont be stopping by but a gal can dream cant she?
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
Hmmm. I'm thinking...
Fun idea! I'll get thinking, too.
How about, "I'm making it past 40. What's your excuse?"
You could always use the old standby, "40 and fabulous Mom of two" ...but that goes without saying.
Wouldn't it be funny to actually see Ryan doing pedicures? You are too much! Susan
You can delete this comment (please do), but it looks like those two comments above me are spam. I had someone put something like that on my blog and I clicked (unwittingly) on the link and something very bad started to download on my computer...thus, the word verification on my blog. No more spam comments!
Okay, here's one:
"I'm driving now...stay off the sidewalks!"
No? Okay, that's not helping you at all, is it? I actually said that to make you laugh and I hope it does. If it doesn't you can come over to my blog and chew me out, I deserve it, but I REALLY and TRULY wanted to make you chuckle. See, my brother used to say that to me when I was learning to drive and it would hurt my feelings, now it just makes me laugh!
Oh, I KNOW! You could just leave the same tag line and say
"Pullin' a "Jack Benny" FORever!"
You know, Jack Benny used to say he was 39 forever, LOL! Okay, only our older friends would get that one, LOL!
Okay, I'm gonna have to think about this one. I'll let you know.
"I'm 40...Go F*** Yourself" ...really gets people thinking about what 40 is. LMAO ...I'll get a better one, that was just my test drive.
Thanks so much TattingChic I wondered what those comments were Ive been getting them every once and a while for some time. Good to know and they have been deleated
How aobut MILF?
Happy blogoversary!
How about "The bees knees, the wasps ankles and the butterflys goddam elbows!"
Here's one: I found Jesus! He was in the trunk of my car when I got back from Tiajuana!
or: Wear your seatbelt, it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!
I'll let you know if I think of anything better...
Don't kill me. You said you were embracing middle age, so here's my (funny, charming, hopefully not at all offensive) suggestion:
Up the Hill Backwards
....and tumbling down the other side-the ramblings of Dr. Suzie, Mom of Two, Educator, Crazyperson.
Feel free to ignore or edit at will.
Happy belated 40th Birthday!
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