We have been having a sleep strike in my house. Little S has decided the only way she will sleep if I am in the room. She is very specific as she is the queen of everything and must be obeyed. I must sit on a little blue stool right next to her bed legs in front of me and back turned to her bed. If I fail to disobey in any way ie cross legs or face the wrong way I am rewarded with up to 2 hours of screaming. The type of screaming it is impossible to ignore, watch tv through or have any type of conversation that does not involve saying "Huh? What?" a couple of hundred times.
Now for you first time parents out there I know you are horrified by my ability to let my child scream for an extended period of time (its true I would have never done it with my first) and be so callous as to hold a conversation during it but when the second one comes around you realize as long as they are not bleeding, killing one another with sharp objects or have lost a limb they are fine and crying is not gonna hurt them. That's how I roll anyway.
So after several days of enduring the screaming with no end in sight I enrolled the help of little B. I explained that Little S was very upset about sleeping and could he help. After careful consideration and a few ice pops he agreed.
So I put B to the test and wouldn't you know it within 45 min S was asleep no screaming no muss no fuss. I heard him say things like S I love you but I am very tried so you will have to go to sleep now. And lay down S I'm here with you. I think he sprinkled some fairy dust cast a magic spell and poof she was asleep.
I now know the truth B is blessed with magical sleeping powers. I had no idea he was a sleep guru. That fairy dust magic sleep thing is a gold mine. I now see the possibilities and will be renting him out to do his magic for only $999.99 nightly. I can see it now the shamoo guy trying to hawk little B's sleeping abilities. Maybe a late night infomercial. Watch out QVC here we come!
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
Wow. I could have used him with my Sammy. What a talent.
I LOVE it when I can enlist my children to make my life easier. It doesn't happen often, but it sure is sweet.
That is so adorable. :) I hope it can continue for you.
That's amazing that such a little guy could be such a big helper!
that is super sweet!
is there a waiting list? do you accept paypal???
wow! i know how exhausting this is. don't feel bad. i used to let my little ones cry too. they're young ladies now, so obviously it didn't kill them.
yay! for little B. siblings can work magic each other that we know nothing about.
Now if he'll just start bringing you a hot dog and a beer, he'll be like the perfect kid. You're on your way to livin' easy!
Hooray for Little B!
I remember those days. Now I could use help getting them out of bed in the mornings...
oh no, imagine the power he now posesses..lol
That's so sweet. I often find that my older kids help tremendously with the little ones. It's wonderful.
Good thinking!!
Dear Bad Ass Penguin Thief,
I am mightily relived that you are still blogging. I too have been havigng days of non-bloggedness and know how easy it is to get horribly discouraged. But you keep going or i will tell little B to stop with the fairy sleeping dust... (so THATS what they are calling it these days...)
Your Cuz xx
What a sweet story!
Life of crime ~ and fairy dust. Both extremely entertaining. I have had computer horrors for most of this week ... it's nice to be back. No one writes quite like YOU.
Little B sounds like a fabulous brother! What sweet things to say!
He's a keeper! Does he go across state lines? I'll have to ring him up the next time I need help!
Suddenly I think I know how you're going to be paying for college...
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