Dear Body:
You have been a good body Ive been really pleased about our relationship. You breathe you eat and make it possible for me to do everything I need to do in the course of a day. Remember that time we went to the was all thanks to you. You body are to be commended.
Lately I've noticed you are beginning to hmmm.. whats a nice way to put it..fall apart. I'm not sure who gave you the fall apart message perhaps it was that nasty 5th vertebrae (she's always causing problems) or maybe someone told you this year we would be turning 40.
Contrary to popular belief 40 does not mean one has to fall to pieces. It is not necessary to tell hair follicles to fall out. It's not par for the course to cause us to end up in the hospital in abdominal pain. Neither do you need to give into to migraines, excessive gas, incontinence, scumming to gravity in important and unflattering areas,wrinkling, hemorrhoids or anything else you may associate with the dreaded four zero.
It is my great hope that we will have many many long years left together. I would love to see the world and body it would be my greatest dream to have you there with me. So do me a favor ignore the big four zero its just a number and not a message of destruction and please tell the 5th vertebrae to get a life.
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
40 is the enemy. no matter what oprah says.
did you ever find out what you had? and not to worry, 40 is the new 25. Well, OK, 32.
Funny! I'd send a letter like that to my body, but I'm afraid it would tell me to stop eating so many cookies and do more crunches.
There's always duct tape. That's my new motto! lol
My body tells me to put down the margarita, but I choose to ignore it.
Ha ha! That is funny. I think if I wrote a letter like that to my body I would get a nasty note back telling me to stop eating breakfast at McDonald's! LOL!
When my mom was about 70, I asked her at what age she began to feel like she was falling apart. She looked at me strangely and said "I've never felt that way". So there is hope for us all. Hang in there, you'll make it.
Someone else sneaked a letter to my body that it should eat the 9x13 pan of banana pudding this afternoon. Who ever it was is getting some serious time out when I find out. If I can move off the couch. I'm so full!
Lemme know how your body responds to your letter- I may have to write one to mine too!
Hmmm. I wonder if a restraining order would help.
Have fallen apart too. Clinic, hospital and prob clinic again on monday. 40 is lethal! don't do it.
Cuz. xx
I hope your body listens to you. Mine seldom does! Have a good week :)
You tell it! Hope you maintain a happy partnership...
very clever suzie. i liked it!
fingers crossed that your body reads and complies with the letter ;-)
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