My dog has O.C.D. He is an obsessive butt and paw licker. He sits for hours upon hours licking his paw slurp, slurp, slurp and then moves to his butt SLURP. He does it when you are reading slurp, he does it when you are sleeping, slurp he even does it when you are eating SLURP! He leaves these big wet spots on everything filled with paw and butt juice. I think living in our house has driven him insane and beyond. The fear of a toddler swinging off his ears or someone riding him like a horsey has sent him to the doggy loony bin. He spends his days hiding out under the table licking and tying not to noticed lest someone dress him up in a baby bonnet and Harry Potter glasses.
I am afraid my doggy and I have reached the end. I have realized that when your dog needs to take prescription doggy anti depressants it is not working out (he really does take them). I have found two families that are interested in taking our depressed doggy and will give him a good life free of water balloons and large rubber balls.
I mentioned it to B. I was ready for the tears and tantrum. B looked at me looked at the dog and squeaked, "OK can I have a fishy now?"
My only question is do they make pills that small?
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
my dog does that too. they are all crazy. thank goodness a goldfish can't lick himself....
Oh, poor doggy! Our cat does this obsessive teeth grinding thing, and it's so irritating! He's been exiled to the basement at night now, so we don't have to listen to it anymore.
It's possible your dog also has allergies... It may be as easy as changing the food. Or it may just be the stress of it all... I wish they could talk (sometimes).
Poor puppy! But maybe he'll be happier with another family. And what a relief that B. wasn't too upset at the idea!
Hope it all works out for you. :)
Too funny about B's reaction.
My dog is hug obsessed. He can't stand it whenever any of us hug each other. It's a little embarrassing, but we have to pick him up by his front doggy paws and let him join it.
And yes, we actually do that.
What has happened to me?
The slurping is the worst! Especially in the middle of the night when you're trying to sleep and all you hear is incessant slurping. It doesn't help that you know what they're slurping either- GROSS!
I didn't know dogs could be depressed! How... HUMAN.
Glad it's not going to be a trauma. Although fish always seem a little depressed to me. ;)
We made a similar hard decision a year ago and adopted a cat from the pound (something I said I'd never own). Who knew we would love a cat so much?
yet another reason I cant deal with an animal right now. I can only handle what I've given birth too and even they have their days....
Well. I know the heartbreak of having to give away a loved pet. So sorry you have to go through this! But at least you won't have butt juice all over your house.
Oh wait, you have'll still have the butt juice. :)
I had to laugh. My dog is a major paw licker. I'm like do you have to do that right by me! He's nuts about it.
His good habits out weigh his bad though. He took another strange dog down that went to jump on me. He got one free night of butt licking that night.
Other than that. . . he gets thrown outside!
Poor pup! My parents had to put my cat on Valium several years ago because she was licking herself bald. The vet diagnosed her as neurotic. After a bad experience with the cat and the Valium, my parents decided to with hold the drugs. She stopped after a bit and was back to her normal (albeit weird) self again. Maybe there's hope for the dog?
My dog that too (he has allergies). We've found a steroid shot helps but it's not too great on the system overall.
There's some gold on my blog waiting for you.
This has just enlightened me to the fact that maybe, just maybe, my psycho pup isn't too bad. And hey, my dog might just grow out of her bad habits.
Aw, funny, but sad, too. Poor puppy. Wonder if those are the same reasons my dog does that, too?
(She's only allowed to slurp-slurp-slurp on her pillow. She starts it somewhere else all you have to do is say her name and she's up and out of the room - thank GAWD.)
My cat has issues too - she scratches until she bleeds and licks until she's bald. Luckily, she's gotten better.
I haven't heard of anxiety disorder behavior in fish...yet.
I just don't know how people do pets and small children at the same time... I am only willing to pick up so much poop... Maybe when mine are out of diapers.
Ya'll need to look up a homeopathic remedy called Essence of Snapdragon. You add a few drops to your dog's water & it supposedly helps with undesirable oral habits like licking. It won't work for every dog, but I had a friend who tried EVERYTHING for her dog. The dog had a chronic icky lick granuloma (big red yucky area on the skin)from licking for years. Essence of snapdragon cured her dog.
Hilarious! Kids are too funny, they always do the opposite of what you expect!
Oh that licking would drive me mad!!!
I think my dog has O.C.D. He's a 10mo. old golden retriever. He jumped up on the fence a few weeks ago and got a lizard. Now if he's inside he's crying to go outside, and if he goes outside he just cries and barks and sits at the fence waiting on another lizard. I cannot get him to stop. I don't know what to do.
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