Its been a terrible few days. Its all been a big blur of hospitals and terror. But Little B is home.
We nearly lost him. When I took him to the hospital he was non responsive he screamed in pain when touched and I grabbed him and ran through the streets covered in a blanket with no shoes and tried to grab a cab. The streets where blocked with UN traffic I thought he would die in the cab. He couldn't turn his head the light from the TV hurt and he couldn't open his eyes. His breathing became labored the driver shouted at me to run with him which I did.
When we got to the hospital they took him right in. We were next to a gun shot victim who screamed and screamed. Little B did not move or respond. They did a spinal tap the pain of which tore my hear out and within the hour the diagnosis came it was meningitis.
My hubby came and did not leave his side for the next three days. I went home to take care of little S.
I arrived at the hospital the next day to find B sitting upand feeling a little better. It was amazing but we were not out of the woods. He had boughts of pain so badly I just held him while he screamed.
Then the phone started ringing it was work. They were in a panic I was yelled at by my boss and treated so badly I still cannot wrap my head around the insensitivity. Sitting by my sons bedside I had to do a telephone conference. It was outrageous. The place I put in 9 years of love and caring and hard work treated me like...well you know.Im still trying to sort through all of that.
We were put in a isolation ward for three days. People had to suit up in scrubs mask and gloves to come see us. I still have no idea what his doctor looked like. Suddenly on the third day when we were cleared (his form of meningitis was not contagious) we were released.
Last night I went to bed with all my family under one roof. It was heaven. But at 11pm the screaming started again. The pain is terrible still but I am told it should lesson each day.
I cant believe this all happened. Your support was and is amazing. When I came home from the hospital and saw all those comments it helped me get through some very long nights.If it wasnt for my family and my wonderful hubby and all of you I have no idea how I would have gotten through it all. Thank you so much.
And we’re 15 weeks into this nonsense
3 hours ago
Oh thank god, I was terrified for you and him. I have been thinking about you all so much.
So pleased he is home and on the mend.
that so scary!! i'm glad they figured it out and have him on the mend. Hopefully his boughts of pain are subsiding. Poor kid. (and poor parents!). take care of him and yourself.
I'm so happy he is home and you all are healing. I can't believe your work did that to you either. I hope you can just take it easy for a few days and enjoy being home.
Thank goodness he's okay. That is a very scary virus! We prayed for your baby every night!
Quit your job! Seriously find another one that VALUES you.
Nothing is worse it seems then having to watch your babies in pain. It tears your heart out in a way that was unimaginable before mommydom.
Im shocked at how work treated you. Its just one more thing on your plate right now but no doubt you'll get it all sorted out.
Bless your heart. I'm so thankful he's home and doing better. The poor baby! And poor you! And sweet, good hubby. I can't imagine the terror of want you all went through.
I wish I could bring you dinner, or do something for you!
I'll keep praying that the pain lessens quickly.
Give yourself a hug for me!
I am so glad he is home. The pain of seeing our babies hurt is overwhelming.
Oh thank god - I've been worried! And I'm SO sorry you had to go through all of it (including insensitive - i.e. monstrous - coworkers who take care of CHILDREN for a living - what is WRONG with them!).
I am so grateful for his recovery. And yours. You have been through so much and I can't believe an employer would be so insensitive. Hang in there kiddo...
Hugs and more hugs to you and all your family, especially little B.
As far as your work goes, man I don't know when employers became so unfeeling. lets hope they never have to deal with an emergency of their own.
Thank God he's better, I can't imagine how hard it all must have been for you.
I think you should take that job and shove it!
This is the scariest thing! I was almost in tears over all the horror you must have been going through. I am so sorry that you work was being so insensitive. Praying for continued healing for your little B.
What a relief that you're all home now. Hopefully B wil continue to heal quickly and won't have anymore pain. I've had meningitis and it wasn't fun at all (I was 19). I can't imagine how torturous it would for a little one.
And your job? Boy, I'd be having some words with them and telling them exactly how rude, inappropriate and UNhuman their behavior was. For Pete's sake, it's not like you were hanging out at the beach having a grand ol' time.
Oh, Suzie, I am crying right now.
What a terrible, frightening experience.
I am so happy and relieved.
Thank you so much for letting us know B is doing better.
I am shocked and enraged at how your workplace treated you. I can't believe they did that.
I will post an update on my own site. My readers have been emailing to ask me about you.
I'm angered at your boss's (mis)treatment of you and relieved that he's home and getting better. I'm with those who say quit your job, or at the very least, confront him with a printout of this comment thread.
My son had a spinal tap as an infant and it still haunts me. I can't imagine what an awful ordeal you've been through. I'm so glad to hear he's home and getting better.
I am so relieved that he is out of the woods but feel FURIOUS at the way you were treated. You MUST raise this with your boss - it is inexcuseable.
The Meningitis Foundation of America (MFA), a national organization, would like the public and media to know that information is available regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of meningitis. MFA was founded by parents whose children were affected by meningitis. In addition to supporting vaccines and other means of preventing meningitis, the MFA provides information to educate the public and medical professionals so that the early diagnosis, treatment and, most important, prevention of meningitis, will save lives. Meningitis is a dangerous and sometimes fatal inflammation of the brain and/or spinal cord that can leave survivors with serious life-long physical problems such as deafness, brain damage and other disabilities, meningitis can sometimes result in loss of limbs. MFA would like to be considered as a news resource for the disease. For further information, visit the MFA website at
MFA is proud to announce the new C.I.S.S. Container Identification Scratch System
When we participate in sporting events or mingle at social gatherings it is possible to lose track of our water bottles and/or beverage cans, especially those served in containers that are very similar or identical to a container from which you are drinking. This carries the risk of transmitting an illness, such as meningitis or the common cold or flu. The Container Identification Scratch System, or C.I.S.S., is a fun way to make sure you always know your drink from others. Use it at sporting events or at a family gatherings and reduce the waste from forgotten drinks. Simply scratch your number from the C.I.S.S. label and identify your drink. For more information please contact Bob Gold at and
Thank you,
Meningitis Foundation of America
P O Box 83602
Phoenix, AZ 85071
(800) 668-1129
Thank goodness for this positive news. What a relief it must be.
I am so relieved to hear that you are all home! I can't even believe how you were treated by your job. That is terrible. :(
I'm one of Vered's readers, and am glad he is doing better and back home. Hoping he is completely better soon, and that you get a HUGE apology from work.
I'm so glad he is better. How in the world do we hold it together during times like these? You have done so well. Keep hanging on, even if it is just by a thread. Goes to show the power of prayer. Hugs from all of us here in bloggy land. Take care,Susan
That all sounds absolutely awful and I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope your boy continues to improve and I hope you're able to come to some peace with what happened at your job.
So very glad to hear this. I just breathed a huge sigh of relief.
I am so glad this all turned out ok in the end. I can't imagine what this must have been like, and it makes me think of my young children. And that I should go home tonight and give them an extra hug. And let them know I love them.
You and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers as you continue to heal.
Dearest darling Cuz,
So glad you are all home but I am so sorry he had to go all had to go much. Your boss? What the..??? Will call over the weekend and drink gin with you down the phone.
T xxxx
Go hubby! Go Hubby!!!
I'm so happy to hear the good news! I was wondering about this today. I had a lump in my throat as I read your account.
Your boss should read your account and these comments, but I wonder if he would "see" even then.
I cannot believe the way your work reacted. That is just beyond...I mean. That's the sort of thing that makes you stop and reassess your work situation even if you like it there.
I'm so happy and relieved to hear that little B is back home and on his way to a full recovery.
I've been thinking about your family all week, and when I saw Vered's post I came straight to yours to read up on the great news! =)
How absolutely terrifying for you.
I am so glad to read that he is home with you.
I hope he continues to get better every day.
Suzie, I just feel terrible about what you've been through. I had a huge lump in my throat while reading this. I'm so, so happy that B is home, and he's going to be OK!
How scarey and terrifying. Glad he's home.I cannot imagine what it would have been like. The response from work is inexcusable.All the best,healing thoughts and a safe recovery.
I am praying, praying, praying, praying. oh my GOD. I KNOW that I say this all the time, but let me say it again..
what lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
be strong.
I'm SO glad to hear your little one is home and doing well. I have been thinking about you so much the past couple of days and can't imagine what you've gone through.
Sorry work treated you poorly, I don't know that I could've 'manned up' and done a phone conference... probably would've said something irresponsible and gotten myself canned.
Best wishes that everyone is back to full speed VERY soon.
I was someone who asked Vered how little B. was doing. So glad to hear good news! What a harrowing experience you've all been through.
Take good care and get lots of rest -- this much stress is hard on everyone. I'll be praying for you all and checking back for the news of full recovery!
I don't know you or your family, but as a father of four, I can't even imagine going through what you've gone through. I'm a regular reader of momgrind, which is why I've crossed your path. I'm so glad to hear that he is home and doing well. Best wishes to you and your family.
Oh, I'm so glad he's going to be okay!! What a scary, horrible ordeal to have to go through! ((HUGS))
I'm so sorry that your employers treated you so badly. ((Hugs)) again.
Hi Suzie,
Back from Vered's ...
I am so relieved for your family and myself.
You still need a lot of energy until your little one makes a complete recovery please take care of yourself. Get your breaks and please ask for help. Do what your heart says (with regards to your job ) ... people will eventually understand. You have been through a LOT.
Take care.
Bless his little heart and yours, too. I'm so glad everything turned out okay. I have tears in my eyes thinking about it.
Hi Jackie - I'm so relieved he is OK, and I wish little B and the rest of your family a speedy recovery.
That was scary! Glad he's doing better.
What a frightening experience for all concerned. WHat a wonderful Mother you are to have taken him to get help just in the nick of time. God bless!
Oh Suzie...I didn't see any of this until just now...
I am so so so sorry.
I don't know what else to say. I really am sorry. I wish I would have read this sooner.
I'm so happy he his home with you and getting better.
I can only imagine how scared you were. I'll be thinking of you...
hard hugs my friend.
Hi Suzie,
I'm so glad when I saw Vered's quick update. Sending more prayers your way till everything smoothens out, and I'm sure it will very soon. I can't believe the way you were treated by your boss! You deserve better!
Great...So happy for you.
Did we not say he will be home soon. We are all so happy.
God is great!
midst of all this knowing about your employers is strange...I thought in USA they were considerate.
Wishing B speedy recovery.
Oh, thank GOD!!!
I cannot imagine still, how somebody could yell at you over the phone in that situation -- and over work at that!
Anyway, so happy Little B is home, and I'll continue praying for Little B's speedy recovery.
I am so thankful they diagnosed him so quickly and that he is home. Meningitis is very very scary. Just reading your entry made my heart stop. Hoping and praying for a speedy recovery.
Hi Suzie - I'm so glad he's ok.
And once you've got back to normal, it really sounds like you need a new boss - he sounds like a real jerk.
Thank god B is okay. You must feel like the luckiest, most blessed woman in the world right now. I look forward to reading that he is fully recovered and back to normal.
As for your work, I can't believe they put you under more stress at a time like that. Such disgusting and immoral behaviour. I'd have trouble continuing to work for them after something like this. I hope you can sort that out for the best too.
Much love and support from one mom to another
just checking in. Hope all is well. *prayers*
I came over from Vered's site. Glad to know that your baby is home.
Take care!
OMG, Suzie! I'm so sorry about Little B and all his pain and all the difficulty you had. I'm glad he's better and that you're all back at home. :)
Absolutely good news! It is not something to mess around with for sure! Glad things are ok!
I'm thrilled that you're all home again, but furious about your boss. Please give him 14 kinds of hell from me alone. Best wishes for a very quick recovery to all of you.
I'm glad that everything has gone well. Little B're the best.
This is truly a terrifying experience. I can't tell you how glad I am that you all are home.
And ditto the comments about your boss. I can't wrap my head around that one either.
Hugs, Meg.
What a nightmare! I am so glad to hear things are getting better! How scary for you guys!!!
And I just can't believe your work!! How totally shitty!! I'm so sorry to hear that! You deserve better.
You were yelled at by your boss? I am so livid on your behalf right now.
I would be having a serious chat with that you-know-what when all this passed. That's so unforgivable.
I'm so glad your son is getting better. Best wishes for his full recovery.
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