Its wonderful and strange little B is back at school with me. A few days ago he was at deaths door today he is running around like a lunatic and playing with his friends. Its amazing how fast he has recovered. He still has blinding head aches at night but the doctor assures us they should be gone very soon.
While Little B seems to bionic I find I am not. I am exhausted. I have such dark circled under my eyes it is alarming and I feel like I could cry or yell at the drop of a hat. I have gained several pounds from the greasy hospital food and I cant seem to concentrate at all. I keep hoping getting back into a routine will help. Of course the holidays are this week so our routine will be anything but normal but I find we have a lot to pray about this year.
At Rosh hashanah there is time where they take people who have faced death this year and they gather them under taleets (prayer cloths) and say a special prayer for them. I never really noticed this until 9/11/01 where they had so many people gathered underneath the cloths that they had to get extra helpers to hold all the clothes. It was heart breaking. This year when I think of bringing B under that cloth my heart breaks again. I cant believe we nearly lost him. I cant imagine a world without him.
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
Thank God your baby boy is well. I am so grateful for his recovery. I was very scared for you.
children bounce back so easily. hope you get some needed rest.
That is such a moving and tender post dearest Cuz. Am thinking of you and B and S and Hubby and sending lots of love on this New year.
p.s. you will be absolutely knackered while all the adrenalin and shock leaches out of your system. Be nice to yourself and drink LOTS of water! You should feel better just in time for the holidays...oh dear.
T xx
I wish you could come to my house.
I would make you a bologna sandwich with cheese and some oreo cookies and a BIG glass of milk and turn the T.V on to golf or an infomercial and you could fall asleep with a full tummy on the couch.
That is the TrailerParks cure all for EVERYTHING.
Bologna and a nap on the couch.
I am so sorry for everything you've been Through.
I'm so glad, for you, that he will be there to bring under that cloth.
Thanks heavens he is better! So glad to hear he's running around. My prayers are for you and him and your family!
Now's the time to take care of YOU. You had a big scare & shock to your system and adults take longer to recover from severe stress, so give yourself a little pampering. Seriously. Schedule a massage or a pedicure. Get a little extra sleep (if you can). Your body needs a chance to heal too.
SOOO, so glad B is up and running again (literally). While the reason you'll be under the prayer cloths is scary, you have much to be thankful for.
I'm just so happy to hear that he is doing better! I hope you are able to get some rest soon! Still thinking about you and wishing you the best.
I can't imagine going what you went through. This may be the perfect time, actually, to take time out to gain perspective on everything. Best wishes for a happy holiday.
Kids are unbelievably resilient. I'm so glad that he's doing well now, and I'll continue to pray for him.
Please make sure to take some time for yourself and take care of you, too. It's so hard to do it all, and the let down after a crisis can be just terrible.
It's amazing and wonderful that kids can bounce back so quickly. Be sure to take care of yourself.
Nice to read on this happy ending to hellish adventure. Glad he's back to his usual running around. =)
Soon, this whole adventure will just be memories you'll be telling yourselves for years to come.
Cheers and blessing to you and your family!
David Perry
I'm SO GLAD little B is doing better.
May you and your family have a happy, HEALTHY Jewish new year!
I am glad he is doing better. What a miracle. I hope you get some rest. :) Thinking of you...
So glad he is bouncing back!
OMG! I've missed this, but I'm glad to hear he is doing better. FYI, girl this takes time to recover from. I had this when I worked in a daycare. It was about a month recovery.
Take it slow with little B, even though he seems fine he needs lots of rest. It was not a fun sickness (very painful) but he will get better. Poor little guy. Many prayers your way. And lots of hugs too.
Your little B is a cutie and I'm glad this story had a happy ending. Now you deserve some pampering. Take care of yourself :-)
You sound like you need a holiday. Or at least a few hours to sleep uninterrupted.
I've already talked to you by email, but wanted to say again how happy I am you all are healthy. Maybe now you can get some rest. You truly deserve it.
I'm so thankful that he's back to his old self! I'm sending you a big hug!
And thanks for sharing about the holiday. I think that's a beautiful tradition.
That poor little guy! And poor you!
I'm so glad he's recovering quickly.
I hope you never have to imagine AGAIN. How incredibly SCARY!!
So glad to hear he's doing well. It's no wonder you're exhausted.
Shanah Tovah.
What a very poignant thing to do to recognize how precious and how fragile life is. Kids bounce back much quicker then us old farts. Its part of their charm!
Happy new year to you and your family. May you all be blessed with healthy and happiness.
I am glad to hear he's up and about now.I can imagine it must have been a scary time for you.
Now it's time for you to get enough rest too after this stressful time.
I'm so glad you are home and that he's on the mend. Poor baby. I hope you get your rest soon too. Lots of (((hugs))) to you.
Shana Tova.
from mom of one bionic child to another.
I'm so glad to read he is well Suzie. I've been following your blog for a few months now and and have never commented (I know, you have said people who don't comment wear funny shoes or something, so that's me :))............. You are so gifted in the way you write; you really bring smiles to many! thankyou.
Just wanted to say that for us, we seem to have a year of hard things followed by a year of things going smoothly. Actually, it's been a few years since we've had a really smooth one. It's hard when real life kind-of shatters the idyllic one you imagined you might have. I guess for me though, it makes me think and really appreciate each day I have with my husband and kids. I seem to be more aware of how fragile life is. And that makes me keep better perspective on things. Give B (and yourself) lots of cuddles. Let the healing take the time that it needs.
So glad he's bouncing back. :)
You poor thing. You've been through hell. I'm just soooo glad that B is doing OK. Kids are so resilient.
I am so glad he is home and healing.
Not only have you been through a lot, but you're probably still processing it. Thank God he is here and well. Hoping the headaches end soon and that you can rest.
Not only have you been through a lot, but you're probably still processing it. Thank God he is here and well. Hoping the headaches end soon and that you can rest.
We are so relieved that he is ok--you on the other hand, well--you will recover, too! ;)
I hope this is the worst illness he will ever experience in his life. Poor little guy. So glad you are all healing.
Oh Little B.
So happy you are well.
Now go give your mommy a hug. She sounds like she needs one...
Hugs sister.
You know, I think it is very normal, what you are going through. You held it together all the time your little one was sick and now your body is in breakdown mode.
Be gentle with yourself.
It's like the three day blues, the sudden drop in adrenaline and cortisol leaves you feeling flat and disgusting.
I hope you start to feel more like yourself soon and I am so glad your little man is doing better.
This makes me want to cry just thinking about this for you. I can not imagine what you have been going through. Sending up more prayers of praise and comfort. :)
i still can't get over this whole ordeal. Life is precious, life is short, and life is damn sweet.
be happy, and healthy.
Be thankful that he's there to participate. You were so very lucky.'ve got to take care of yourself too! As parents, we tend to forget about ourselves. But if we do not self care, we wouldn't have the strength for others.
Hi Suzie - glad things are on the mend - I guess it might take a while to recover emotionally (and physically).
I love the sub-title of your blog!
I'm with you under the prayer cloth, Suzie...
Je penses a vous.
i was reading the post below too. how rude of work. mine used to do same to me and i was there 9 years too. they treat you like your nothing even though you give them all those years :(
im so glad your boy is on his way to a recovery after his horrible trauma he went through bless him.
He and your family must be so worn out from it all. Hope everything gets better soon x
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