Yesterday I was making dinner and the baby was sitting outside of the gate playing with an empty old picture frame. She was cooing happily and waving the frame around. I was humming a tune feeling all was good in the world. I walked into the living room and put Little S into her high chair and saw what appeared to be red magic marker all over her hand. On closer inspection I saw it was not marker but blood.
I ran her into the bathroom cleaned it up and saw she indeed did have cuts on her hands. She cooed happily and splashed in the water. I went into nurse mommy mode and grabbed a tissue pressing it on her chubby little fingers hoping to stop the bleeding. My happy little baby went into angry little baby mode and fought and kicked and screeched. B looked up from his Blues Clues trance asked me what I was doing and I calmly explained while wrestling my little angle I was putting pressure on her cuts to stop the bleeding.
B got up with blankie trailing behind went to the bathroom returned with a tissue grabbed my high pitched frenzied baby's hand and applied pressure. S went silent she looked into her brothers eyes and began to coo. B said "elbow please" (he rubs my elbow raw when he is nervous) and rubbed my elbow while nursing his sisters wounds. When he was done he handed me the bloody tissue stuck his pacifier in his mouth and resumed watching Blues Clues.
Ahhh my little hero.
And we’re 15 weeks into this nonsense
7 hours ago
Suzie, he acted and took care of his sister even though he was nervous...what a wonderful little man! :)
What a great kid! I snipped my third child's nails too closely after she was born and my son discovered the blood. He ran to get something and nurse her wounds while I beat myself up!
How sweet is that! What a great helper to you and his sissy!
So sweet! It's good to train those male-folk early.
Awww, what a good big bro!
That's awesome :)
I came over from Kristins, I think I have been here before though and am glad I found you again.
I think you might want to start calling him the "Baby Whisperer". I think he might have a gift. :)
What a sweetheart and loving big brother!
If it makes you feel better, my hubby once was driving down the highway and to amuse my daughter in her baby seat, he handed her an eyeglass case. (?) A second later he looked over (they were alone in the car) and she was holding a razor blade, which he must have tucked inside the eye glass case and forgot? Anyway, she was licking that thing as he tried to pull over without having a heart attack. No harm done, but gee!
And goodness, you've been through the ringer enough lately!
Hope today is uneventful!
Just... wow. He's an amazing little person.
What a sweet and compassionate little man you have on your hands.
He's a great big brother, and very brave! Most kids would really freak out at the sight of blood. Good for him!
What a good boy...
I think my son would have fainted dead away : 0
Awwww. How sweet is that? What is it about men (even little ones) and their ability to handle a crisis?
Ah, the sweetness overfloweth. He's a keeper. :)
Way to go big brother! I don't do well at the sight of blood. I tend to flap my arms and wail. Not very useful. Take care, Julie
Im not commenting because im sexy.... very cool blog.
Why does it seem that the most bloggers are housewives?
Siblings are an amazing thing, I'm learning. BG will whack Buddy on the head one minute and then nurse his booboo the next.
Kids are truly amazing little creatures. What happens to us when we get older, I wonder?!
What a great big brother he is.
OMG that is about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. Seriously.
And LMAO over "elbow please".....
Oh my goodness! What an awesome little man! Now that is a great example of heroism! :)
What a sweet big brother. ;-)
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