Little B's Worlds Records (while on vacation at Granny and Grandpa's house)
1.23 seconds
The time it takes to throw every toy into the center of Granny and Grandpa's house climbing the pile screaming and thereby declaring it fully wrecked
2.5 seconds
The time it takes to trap baby sister under a milk crate when mommy goes to the potty
.05 second
The time it takes to proudly knock baby sister down when she stands for the first time
21min .35sec
The amount of time I can chant "Mommy I need my bobo (pacifier)" at 4:30am proudly waking everyone in the household
2min 11sec
The amount of time it takes to declare "I have to potty" after being strapped into the car seat and rolling down the driveway with a car full of people
13 times per 24 hrs.
The amount of times I can give Granny the Mommy never feeds me look resulting in cookies cheese sticks or yummy fruit roll ups mommy would never give me at home.
The number of steps in Granny and Grandpa's house that I would love to shove baby sister down when she gets the aww sound for doing something I can totally do.
And we’re 15 weeks into this nonsense
7 hours ago
It's so frustrating being upstaged by a BABY!
Very funny post!
It reminds me what my daughter said after my son was born. "Can't you just put him on a shelf?"
I'm waiting for the day that baby sister becomes fed up with the torture and retaliates. Would that be considered karma...?
Yes, those are all done in good world record times. My oldest wanted to trade the baby for a dog, that's sibling love. :) Of course, I'm the grandmother (Grammar) now and get to hype them up on sugar and not worry when they don't eat a good meal. I love my new role.
oh shoot I hate to tell little b this but dash-1 has him by a couple seconds in a few events. We should have a baby race off.
How about a new category.... dash-2 is down to 3 seconds for shoving matchbox cars in the toliet and flushing while mommy is putting a shirt over her head in the other room.
But he's so cute!
Suzie, so how often do you get to drop the kids off at Grandma's and grandpa's?
LOL!! My little D is so there with the various ways to harass baby (shoving, shutting in toybox, knocking down etc...) and the jealousy! No matter how much attention older baby gets, never enough to not be jealous of attention newer baby gets...
Hey my kids are 18 and 23 and they are still asking me to send one back.
Sibling rivalry at it's finest! :)
I recommend giving him fruit roll-ups in the car. That will make him forget all about having to go to the potty. ;)
He must be related to Bee. She always has to go potty at the MOST inconvenient times, and she shut her sister in the closet, and then feigned innocence. "Oh, I have no idea how she got in there Mommy." Yeah right.
I'm impressed! Sounds like things at your house (or at the grandparents', in this case) are even livelier than in mine!
These sound all too familiar...
So will this be the last time gram keeps the little ones for ya? Just joking. Grandparents are patient with little ones. They are wonderful to have around!
Impressive. We should have our big ones and babies go toe to toe. I bet with a little competition some records could be broken. (something would definitely be broken) Too funny!
That was funny! And probably too true.
It's rare that SisterDear3 gets to leave her 8 year old twins (one is Austistic) with her hubby , but while my parents were up visiting in July I called her house. My BIL answered the phone. He then told me that she wasn't home yet and I could reach her at SisterDear2's. Next he threw the phone down while I listened to the horrorible sound that came out of his mouth when he found that the Autistic one had enough time to open the fridge, grab the orange juice and fill his favorite tea pot with a half gallon of OJ!
OOOOHhh,, I think my kids are trying to beat some of those world records.
i have an award for you :0
It gets worse when baby sister can fight back. Just sayin.
Just catching up over here, hi! *waves*
I love his world records, although I think Amy could give him a run for his money some days!
I love this!
24 secs. Time it takes to mix a martini after kids go to bed.
1: only one martini allowed, in case phone rings in the middle of the night to come get teen.
Ha! Very funny! I needed a laugh...thanks! :)
Hilarious Suzie!!
ha what a fun list! i liked the potty when strapped in one!
even though you prob asked do you need it before as usual!
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