OK now this is getting serious. I don't know when it started to happen but my kids and my work are seriously getting in the way of my blogging.
I mean just now I had thought of the most witty intelligent thing to blog about and someone stoped by my office to give me paper work and talk about their child. How rude! Don't they know serious blogging is going on in here?
You wouldn't believe it I'm not kidding just now I started writing again and my child ran into my office to tell me the baby was bitten. What am I supposed to do about it? I'm writing here.
All day yesterday while I was sitting through a meeting I wanted to yell out, "Hey lets hurry this up I've got a great idea for a Wordless Wednesday I want to schedule! You're totally blocking my creative flow!"
It's bad enough I have to answer natures call every now and then and sleeping is a complete waste of writing time but I do see the point in it all I guess. But while I'm at work thats prime blogging time! I mean everyone knows computers are for blogging why else would they put it on my desk. I mean really!
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
Yes I realized I had a problem when flyboy was talking to me the other night and I asked..."are you done yet?"
But really, I had a great idea for a post and well, sometimes you just got to run with it.
LOL!! I am so there with you ;)
I know exactly what you mean! I am having to be up front at our office for about an hour today, because our receptionist is on vacation, and this phone ringing is really cutting into the blog time. ;)
I think that everyone with a blog can relate to this. And I think that all of the husbands/wives of those people don't find this nearly as funny as we do...
The nerve of those people!
I know what you mean.
Not to mention the crazy idea that my children actually want dinner cooked for them! That's what Spaghettio's are for!
I get it....
I have to blog in solitude, or I end up using "short tone" to anyone who speaks or needs my attention.
I will blog in the darkness of night or the break of dawn, so long as I am ALONE.
Sometimes I blog while my husband is working and he CALLS me on the phone.
O M G.... the phone.... while I'm blogging.
It's a wonder he sticks around .
seriously. non-bloggers have no clue! why else are we on this earth? and what is wrong with our children? who do they think they are anyways?
laughed OUT LOUD AT MY DESK at this:
All day yesterday while I was sitting through a meeting I wanted to yell out, "Hey lets hurry this up I've got a great idea for a Wordless Wednesday I want to schedule!
soo been there.
I know - it's annoying - my life often gets in the way of my blogging too. ;)
It's funny (and perhaps a bit unsettling) when you start to consider your real life to be nothing more than an irritating nuisance that gets in the way of your blog life.
I know this from experience.
I know what you mean. And I don't even have the kids as an excuse! I write the best posts in my head in the middle of the night or while walking the dog, but by the time I sit down, they're gone.
Oh dear!
I'm sorry.
Don't be upset that I didn't linky you.
I did that post way to early and way too quickly to even edit it.
My sincerest sorries.
I'll make it up to you.
Let's go get margaritas together.
What? Blogging won't pay the bills, feed the kids, and keep the house sparkling clean and smelling like a tropical rain forest?
That is so not fair.
I completely understand. Have a fantastic weekend with the family! :)
Oh how funny I think the same thing when I'm at work. "please people I'm trying to read blogs bring that back later, or damn these report, like payroll. I just want to blog!"
Blogging is taking over our minds, LOL
I am cracking up at this post. I am "my wonderful mens" sidekick. Our desks are about 20 ft. from each other. You are so right about this blogging gig. We started this over a year ago and are hooked. This is my hobby now, I can admit. Instead of AA, I need BA. There are so many blogs I try to read in a day and I will be back to read more of yours and play catch up....P.S. I know what you mean about people trying to give you work while you are so involved in a blog story....Can't they see we have more important business at hand????
two words: note pad
I was only patio the other day and in my head I had written 3 lovely stanzas for the current week's prompt. So I go in, sit at the computer and... nothing. Totally gone. No clue. WTH?
My note pad was on my desk near the monitor. A lot of good that did me.
I SO need to preview first... I wasn't only patio. No, because that would be silly, right? I was on the patio...
I feel your pain. I've started to keep a notebook by my bed because I usually come up with the best thoughts and comments when I'm half out of it in bed. I just know I've written prize winning work in my mind!
Take care,
Hilarious! And so true! I'm tryin' to blog here, people!
What? I'm not the only one in staff meeting thinking about my posts?
Damn life, always interfering with blog posts!!!
Hey - did you ever get the necklace you won from my blog? Let me know -
Gotta run. Damn kids are supposed to be napping and I hear toys being drug across crib "bars".
Hi, I'm TattingChic, and I'm a blog-a-holic...
scary that I can relate so well to this post!
May I suggest an intervention?
Completely agree! I also get mad when people walk in and interrupt my blog reading. Shame on them!
Ugh, I know exactly what you mean!
I guess I hadn't had the pleasure of meeting you the first week of September. This is great. I know just how you feel. Like right now I am blogging like crazy because the kids get out of school at lunch. Glad you felt composed enough to link to this.
Stop the world...I have to blog.
I am with you. Let's get together and join a coalition for change. And while we are making changes, please make my house quieter so that when I DO have a moment to blog, I can think.
Thanks for linking!
I am EXACTLY like that. I even find I am impatient at lights and standing in lines because I fear of forgetting what I think is HILARIOUS. The time I wait though gives me a chance to find new material...
I love it! I do the same thing. I write my posts from work, save them, and add pictures later that night from home!
Sometimes I think about unplugging my work phone so I can get some blogging done!
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