Yesterday after school I was walking home with my kids and Little B was jabbering on about something (I hate to admit it but sometimes I do tune him out) when he points a man walking by and asks loudly
"Mommy will that man die?"
"Uh yes." I stammer, "everyone dies."
B shakes his head solemnly, "when you die you don't get up right?"
"Uh nope. " I begin to mumble something about heaven and wings when I realize I've lost him. He sits in the stroller lost in thought. "Mommy is that girl going to die?"
"Yup someday."
"Is that dog gonna die?"
"How about that tree?"
"And that bike?"
"No not the bike"
"And that lady?"
"Uh huh"
"And that kid?"
"And what about that..."
"Boy" says a passing man as my little grim reaper points his bony finger in his general direction "that is one depressing kid."
Thats me boy!
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
It's funny what kids lock into. Miss A right now is always wanting to know where everyone is going. I guess she's a nosy kid!
Cute! In a morbid-sort-of-way.
I hope you're doing better!
People dying is a tough concept to explain to kids, partly because it's so hard for us as parents!
Take care,
That's funny - kids get fixated on the strangest things.
Funny! It was good news for the bike, anyway!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Well, I think every child goes through this.
Heck, I'm an adult (obviously) and it's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE.
WOW... LOL I'm glad I wasn't passing by him! I bet he freaked a few superstitious people out!
if i see him on the street, im running to avoid that finger of death. lol
depressing yet funny at the same time to me
haha i prob would have only answered first few questions then said shut up if it was mine lol
kids ask the most complicated questions dont they!
Kids are so curious and so nonchalant about things.
it's a crazy thing this, death.
You're more patient than me. I would have answered the first 3 or 4 times, and after that I would have told him to zip it!
Death is a tough concept for kids...and grown-ups too.
we've been having the death conversations around here for quite awhile..... takes a long time to get your head around it.....
I can relate. My son is 4 and I hear that too. Simply Amazing.
He sounds like a deep kid, too! :)
He's just processing things.
Morbid, no.
Dang! What's up with that stranger's commentary. Of course I would have said the same thing.
I used to get those "Is God stronger than a rhino" questions from my son. Now it's, can I drive?
Well he just needed to know these things :) When L.L. starts in on this kind of subject it usually ends in him in tears yelling I don't want you to die. Why did the dog have to die! I miss Sadie (the dog)! It happens everytime.
We can always count on our kids for a mood lifter! So cute!
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