You might have asked yourself where has Suzie gone? What's up with Suzie? She usually posts 5 days a week and now not a peep? What the...? Where has that girl gone?
Well I gotta tell you my rotten job is once again interrupting my blogging. I know I've complained about this before but Really! I thought I had gotten it under control but for some reason work is expecting to me well, work and I really resent it.
Don't they know I have some great stories to tell? I wanted to tell you all about how I read this article about how most kids hurt themselves while their moms are making dinner and then while I was making dinner and thinking smugly about how that's never happened to me little S began to scream and somehow she had cut her foot while my attention was diverted. But could I tell you about that? NO! I had to file I report.
I wanted to tell you about how my radiator makes me feel like I have inhaled a tub of straw and how if I spend one more winter in my NYC apartment I am sure all the moisture will be sucked out of my body from the horrible old radiator I sleep next to leaving just an empty Suzie husk that will crackle in the wind. Did I get to share that gem? Nope I had to meet with parents about kindergarten.
Did you hear about how the Bella the school hamster ate her long time partner and friend Bella 2's head in a fit of hamster rage? I mean that was a doozie the whole head was gone. Just a little headless hamster body left feet up in the habit trail. Little B is still talking about that one. Did I get to share? Nope!Couldn't! Had to answer boring old phone calls.
I know I've complained about this before but really lets get our priorities straight here OK? Blog first work second. I'm pretty sure that's in my work description...right?
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
Hey - hamster story - gross! And I feel your pain. Why does life insist on getting in my blogging way?
Wow - I thought I had the worst pet rodent story... My brother's white mouse developed an allergy to woodchips and scratched off half of his face. But canabalism? You win.
You have absolutely the best stuff you don't have time to blog about!
I agree. You would think that your employers would recognize that you are only Half A Suzie when you don't get to blog, and thus, are useless to them. Diabetics take their insulin. Asthmatics use their inhalers. Bloggers need to blog. It is just that simple. (I might have a problem...)
And that hampster story is straight up disgusting. But thanks for sharing!
Hamsters are cannibals?! EEW!! That's it -- no hamster in this house. We all sleep too heavily. Just what I need -- wake up some morning without a head. That'll really ruin your day.
oh man! hamster story, super grody
hamster =yuk...
I am at work now....blogging... : )
It ate the head and not the body?
To bad hamsters don't drive, she could have stuffed the body in the trunk.
Sorry about S's foot and your raspy husk :(
Yey! You're back!
Darn that stupid work! Doesn't it understand priorities?
And speaking of headless rodents, my doggie could be good friends with that hamster. He prefers chipmunks however.
Don't they know we need to be informed of these things? Even the hamster - now there's a Halloween tale. Or tail.
Nice hamster story! Ewww... :)
I'm hard at work this very moment... can't you tell?! =)
I am thinking hamster number 1 needs counseling along with all the little children who saw the headless hamster. :[
I'd like to hear more about the hamster.
That is all.
Suzie, The hamster story! OMG! When I was in 5th grade, it was my week to clean the class gerbil cage, and the gerbil chose that week to have babies. Babies that she proceeded to eat! My teacher didn't know to seperate the babies from the mother, and I was convinced it was my fault! So weird... Also, must hear more about the radiator. I'm in the south and quite fascinated by "big city" livin'!
I hate when work gets in the way of my blogging. Recently it's been very much in the way!
I know exactly how you feel. Except for the whole kids and hamsters thing. And the meetings. And phone calls. Basically I'm guessing how you feel.
Holy, holy crap about the hamster. Seriously, wild kingdom there in the cage?
I blog 2-3 times per week... I could never handle more than that.
Yes, doesn't it suck when work gets in the way of your personal life? Sheesh.
I have to say, that hamster thing really freaked me out.
LOL! I know if I had a full time job I would so get fired for blogging all day instead of working!! ;)
why just the head? Why not the whole body? Its it odd that im wondering that? You always leave me wondering... when its warmer we should meet up at the bronx zoo and persuade the bear house to take the kids.
I don't even work full-time and things get in the way! Currently it's paint.
So, did you FIND the hamster headless? or, did you WITNESS the decapitation!? EW!
omg with the hamster?!!!
glad you're back. even if it is a brief reprieve. (but hopefully it's not. right? it's not brief? you'll be back again soon???)
I second this emotion.
why dont my editors understand that?!
I dunno, you could argue that the net effect of your blogging (you know bringing laughter and joy and such)is more important to the world at large than your work. I'm not sure it'll work though.
Ah, how work does drain ya. But you're juggling well and still kinda hanging on to sanity. :)
I hate it when work gets in the way of blogging!
The nerve, really.
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