At 4:30am this morning I woke up with the odd feeling something was going on. I walked into the living room and from the couch rose a white shape. It had long dangley arms and long white dangley legs. It looked like the figures that appear at the end of close encounters where the aliens grab the guys hand and leads him into the space ship. I began to panic as the thing ran towards me shrieking in a high pitched voice. I began to run when I heard the word pee pee. I realized it was not an alien come to take me away in his space ship where I would meet other aliens and have babies in test tubes. In fact it was my own baby boy. Naked and pasty white flying towards me damp and slightly smelly. Yes my little alien boy had peed the bed.
I guess its my fault. The nighttime pull ups were costing me $1.25 per pair. I believed in my heart of hearts that if I only gave it a chance we could throw those pull ups away and go for broke. But broke this time obviously contained urine and cold wet sheets.
So pushing back the fear and I admit it disappointment (who wouldn't want to check out a the inside of a space ship. I hear they have plush leather seats and great coffee.) I gathered my pasty alien child and tucked him into my bed where he rolled around like a lunatic and used his subsonic squeals to contact other life forms until around 5:30am when it was time to get up and he fell asleep.
I hear Neptune is nice this time of year...I can pack very quickly...just saying
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
I tried the underwear at night thing too. After washing sheets three nights in a row, I decided Pull-Ups weren't so bad!
Neptune. Very nice.
Uranus. NOT so much.
I totally dread this phase already.
Ah, mothering. Not an exact science.
I'm all for the pull-ups. There's no way miss A can stay dry at night, not even nap time. And mommy needs her sleep. Or else I'm going to neptune with 'ya.
Fear not. That stops at about age 12.
If you're lucky.
think about it, he could of been pastie and brown.
We actually use overnight maxi pads for night time pee-pee.
They are WAY cheaper and are working out nicely!
Thought- my husband refues to purchase them ; )
Ahhh....the life of a parent. I have had that exact experience with my boy. Not the alien part but the other. :)
I'm putting Oliver in nighttime pull ups forever. He is such a deep sleeper that he doesn't wake up to be uncomfortable in wet sheets. And I know this because 50% of the time he actually pees through his pull up. Okay - so I'll at least wait until he starts waking up with dry pull ups.
Up at 4:30a.m., yes even your own children can look like aliens.
It ALWAYS happens that way - they keep us up all night long and then are sound asleep when it's time to get up. What is up with that?! Makes me want to wake him up when my son does that to us! LOL
Have I told you that I'm grateful to have older kids? I think I have. :)
as long as you dont start sculpting the devils tower, the aliens won't want you a little pee is a good thing or you'd be abducted.
i tried to post this yesterday to no avail...
we had a pee fiasco night before last. we were using diaper doublers (like maxi pads w/o the fancy shit) and stopped bc he didn't seem to need them anymore. HEH. after a 2am close encounter of my own, methinks i will be using the doublers again.
Now, Saturn, though, I hear has free health care. How 'bouts me & you head to Saturn for a nice Mommy vacation, see if we want to relocate the families?
Finally!! I have tried to post a comment on here, and it would not let me!! I loved this story :0 I have an alien also, but instead of peeing on the bed it decides to spew forth the contents of its stomach in the middle of the night into my hair. Yuck!
its always scary to be woke from your sleep like that! if you were dreaming of aliens it would have been worse!
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