Chicken pox. The doctor thinks I have chicken pox. Can you believe it?
I remember being 9 with the pox and thinking at least Ill never have to go through this again? Oh yeah? That's what you think little 9 year old me. Little do you know that when you are an old almost a 40 year old lady you will be foxy, poxy again. And if you thought having chicken pox when you are 9 is bad just wait because having the pox as an adult is really great. The days and days of high fevers the itching the pain yes actually pain all makes for lots of grown up fun.
And just try keeping up with the little ens as you sweat and itch and move around in your delirium. Its a whole new level of fun.
I hate to be bitter. After all the test results are not in yet I could have such fun things as shingles, leprosy,some really gross thing I saw on Opera in my fever fog.
You know knowing my family its probably some weird flesh eating virus that will cause the staff at my school to freak out and wrap my kids and I in plastic wrap to keep from getting my hideous new disease that of course is highly contagious.
Ok Im bitter and sick. What can I do I'm only human or well maybe a little fowl of late. So here's to you chicken pox. A pox on you!
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
Did you break out in the little blisters and everything???? This is not good!
Something similar happened to me when I was 17. I thought I had the chicken pox when I was 10 but apparently it was an imposter disease. So I got to enjoy the adult version as a teenager - which you are right, is GROSS! I got them everywhere and couldn't leave the tub for more than a couple of hours at a time due to the um, placement of some. I also learned that chicken pox is not about itchy bumps like I vaguely remembered. It's about huge yellow pimple-like pustules that you are not allowed to touch. I really hope that yours are not that bad. My main advice is to NOT TOUCH THEM and try to keep them dry if possible. The last thing you want is for scabs to come off too early and leave scars. I had my scars for almost a year when I was a teenager. I can't imagine what this would do to my now pushing middle aged skin....
I just love reading your google ads when you mention some disease-'Food Acne Link Exposed' is the last one on the list at the moment.
Could it be bad acne?
Get better quickly!
I hear pox is really cool right now. Something to do with certain celebrities - but I'll leave it there.
But hey, at least you got a blog post out of it. Right?
Get better quick.
Overnighting you some wonton soup!
Yuck! Hope you get better soon. That is just awful for you.
Nasty chickens and their illnesses. I hope you start feeling better and that your kidlings don't get sick.
Oh, get better soon!
Oh, I hope not. It's supposed to be really bad for adults.
Sorry for being such a ray of sunshine.
Feel better!
Well, you just have all the luck, don't you?
I hope you feel better soon!
That is really rough. I hope you find a way back to the front soon. You are missed. Take care, you.
You are KIDDING me!
The POX?!
Drastic times call for drastic measures....
Send me your address, I'm Fed-Ex'ing a hot dish.
That truly BLOWS!
Feel better soon, friend.
Chicken pox? You have to be kidding me. I so hope not. Or shingles, or leprosy, or anything like that. Please get well soon!
Shut up. Are you serious? Can you get chicken pox more than once?
I hope you don't have them...and I hope you feel better asap.
You poor thing! Does chicken soup help for chicken pox?
Whatever it is, I hope you feel better soon.
Oh no, that really sucks.
Feel better soon!
WTF? I thought you can only get it once, and then can get shingles afterwards. Crazy. I feel so bad for you but can't empathize, as I have NEVER had the chicken pox. If that vaccine I took years ago doesn't work, I too will be up shits creek someday.
Ahhh Man...I've never had them. I can't get them from commenting here, can I?
When we were kids, my brother had mumps, measles and chicken pox all at the same time.
Hope you feel better soon. Take care, Susan
Chicken pox??? No wonder you fell, I mean foul.
Hope you feel better soon
Awwww. Poor baby. You tell that hubby of yours that it is your time to be pampered and catered to. Whatever it is, I hope it doesn't linger long.
I'm so sorry! I had the pox as an adult and it was no fun. Hang in there!
If your other choices are shingles and leprosy, TAKE THE POX!
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