It is one cold day. My office is cold really cold. Its hard to concentrate and not keep saying things like boy is it cold. I cant believe how cold it is.
Its so cold in my office I think my brain has frozen solid.
Its so cold in my office if I licked my keyboard my tongue would stick
Its so cold in my office I just wanna take a nap like the little matchstick girl at the end of the story where she succumbs to hypothermia and well you know
Its so cold in my office people are forgoing the freezer and moving in the lean cuisines to conserve energy.
Its so cold channel 5 has issued a frost advisory for the printer
Yeah I know its not a great post but its cold people! I'm doing my best.
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
Sending you warm wishes :)
We went and bought extra heaters for the office, cause its like 19 degrees here right now, and now they are throwing all the breakers in the office. :)
SO COLD! Here, too. I feel your pain.
And I'd never break up with you. It's not you, it's me. No wait, I only say that if I am breaking up with you. Which I'm not. I'm just WOEFULLY behind on blog reading at the moment.
Sending mental heat waves.
Oh no! Sending you some FL sunshine!
I've been struggling to get my fingers warm enough to type!
Yes, its absolutely freezing here too!
Think of your vacation! That should warm you up. I HATE the cold. Especially when you can't get warm not matter how many layers you put on.
It's cold here too! I'm wearing so many layers I feel like the Michelin man!
It's too cold to comment.
I love this kind of post! You're quirky and Quirky is good.
You need one of those blankets with sleeves that I'm seeing every 5 minutes on TV. You'd look great wearing it at work.
Do you really have the Chicken Pox?
im cold too :-/
You need to move to California. :)
I wish I could send you a few degrees. Really.
Yes,did you end up with the chicken pox after all? Guess you aren't enamoured at the moment of any winter scarves, gloves etc that feature little red spots as a pattern.Keep warm.If your brain has frozen solid, mine is suffering from melt-down in our seasonal reversal.Good luck with it all!
Awww you just have the greatest weeks girlfriend! Pox, puke and freezing cold with dead matchgirls down the hall.
Is it..could it be...the 'American Dream?' Gimmee some of that..NOOOT!
T xxx
I'm surprised that your fingers can even type! When I get cold, typing goes out the window.
I guess now is not a good time to mention that it was really hot here in Southern California yesterday. So hot, infact, that I had to turn the air conditioner ON in my car while running errands. No, it's not a good time at all to share that...oops! ;)
I need your address : )
I hope you stayed warm and enjoyed the weekend!
dash-1 asked when it would be spring around here. What like six more months?
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