Have you ever wondered how long it takes to walk 5 blocks to work in the rain with a three year old holding an umbrella? 25 min! Yes 25 min!
You may ask, Suzie how could it take 25 minutes to walk 5 blocks to work in the rain with a three year old holding an umbrella? Doesn't that walk usually take 10 minutes max?
My you are perceptive about my morning walk yes it does usually take 10 minutes max to walk 5 blocks to work. However this is not the case with a three year old in the rain holding an umbrella. A three year old walking 5 blocks to work in the rain holding an umbrella is not a fast mover. Oh No! A three year old walking 5 blocks to work in the rain holding an umbrella need to tell you every thought that pops into his little head concerning that umbrella and this cannot be accomplished while walking. For each statement question and pronouncement he needed to come to a complete stop and look at the umbrella. It went something like this:
Mommy this is my umbrella. I'm not going to share it with anyone. Not even baby sister. Mommy my umbrella is blue. This is my blue umbrella and its mine. All mine. Mommy I'm gonna use it all day. Mommy is this my umbrella? Mommy why is it blue? Mommy do I have to share it? Mommy baby sister cant hold it do I have to share it with her? My umbrella is blue. Mommy its all mine. Mommy why is it raining? Is G*d peeing?...etc....
Then there was the holding the umbrella over said child's eyes and walking into parking meters, walls, fire hydrants, dogs, cracks in the pavement and other people.
Finally there was the opening and closing the umbrella incessantly which resulted in caught fingers and crying jags.
I have learned a valuable lesson a three year old walking 5 blocks to work in the rain holding an umbrella is a task best saved for the weekend. Tomorrow I think I'll take the stroller.
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Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
Too funny! I'm sure you're right there with me when I remind you that we waited for them to talk for SO long...now that they do there isn't a moment of silence!
I'm almost dreading the day son #2 starts blabbering 100 mph...almost.
Too true Colleen. I remember thinking I cant wait for B to say Mommy now I'm ready to change my name. If S talks anywhere as much as B I'll be in for trouble.
That is so funny. My kids have always had umbrella fetishes that drive me nuts. Frankly, I'd just rather get wet and forget about the umbrella.
it's true. children make everything take longer. argh.
Brutal! I love how they always end up wetter then if they would have been if they had just walked without the protection of the umbrella.
Yep, my fiends with kids always take at least twice as long to walk anywhere!
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