I know I usually at least try to add humor to my daily posts but yesterday something very upsetting happened. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to blog about it but as I know I have a very supportive community around me here in bloggy land I thought I would just get it off my chest and hopefully just move on with things.
Yesterday I was coming home from work. S was in the stroller and B was walking. It was a little rainy and the streets were surprisingly empty for my busy neighborhood.
I walked into my building we have two doors for security and I was in the vestibule between doors when a man pushed inside. He had a handful of menus. I suddenly got a very very bad feeling. Something felt very wrong about this man. Suddenly the man tried to push me through the second door. I took my key out and put it in my pocket so he couldn't get me to open the door. I turned and pushed the kids behind me and faced him.
He told me to open the door. I told him no. I told him to get away from me and my kids. He started looking around trying to see if there were people on the street. I started to move to get back outside and he put himself in front of the door to the outside blocking my exit. B started to get really scared. I did too but I stood my ground. I yelled get away from me and my children. He kept moving forward and then moving back like he couldn't figure out if he should just run at me or not. I kept repeating get away from me and my children. Suddenly he lurched forward and threw a handful of menus at me and ran back out the door.
I know it doesn't sound like much but you know when you just know something very bad is in the works. When every alarm bell you own starts to sound. Well they were sounding loud and clear yesterday. And now when I think about it I get a very bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. All I could think about was protecting my children and not letting him get us in the hallway of my building. It scares me to think what could have happened. Maybe nothing but my little voice (which is almost always right) tells me that was not the case. Poor B felt it too and was terrified. It took over an hour to calm him down. I'm just glad we got away safe and not more than a little roughed up emotionally.
Random Tuesday Thoughts
2 days ago
Suzie, that was awful! I'm sorry it happened to you. I'm glad things worked out!
Is there anyone you can make a report to? I would have been so scared. It's good that you followed your instincts! That feeling we get sometimes is usually right. Thank goodness nothing worse happened, but still... I'm sure you're still feeling unsettled.
You are so brave. I wish I could give you a hug. You need one. I tend to freeze up and lose my voice when I'm terrified. Thank goodness you had yours. You are in my thoughts.
How scary--I am so glad you all never had to find out exactly what that guy had in mind. Good for you for not letting him intimidate you. I'm sure he could tell by the look in your eyes that you were ready to gouge his out at any second! He was a smart man to run away.
Oh, how scary! I don't blame you one bit for being frightened. Your Mama Bear instinct kicked in, and you protected your kids. You didn't back down, and thank God you're all safe and sound. Good for you for being a tough chick!
OMG. I am SO sorry that you had to go through this. What do you mean it doesn't sound like much? It's scary and awful and I am SO PROUD OF YOU. You handled it SO WELL. What a strong person you are. I don't know what else to say except that YOU ARE AMAZING.
Wow, how scary. Good for you for holding your ground. I'm glad he decided to run away, but I have a feeling you would have kicked his butt if he tried to stick around. I'm so glad you are all ok!
Thank Goodness you're all OK, Suzie!
Dearest Cuz,
I am giving you and Ben (and Soph) a huge telepathic hug. How horrible. Good for you standing ground and yelling! (I like Shannon's throwing up technique too..would have been appropriate given the menus.)
So sorry love!
Thinking of you lots,
T xxxx
You go girl! I am visiting via Jilli Java and the Garden of Eden. What a scary story and I know just what you mean about that eery feeling. There's a reason women have that feeling and I am impressed with how you protected your children and yourself. What a blessing!
oh my word! always trust your instict! thank goodness everyone is safe!
maybe you can put up a flier in your buiding alerting others of what happened? this way some other unknowing tenant wouldn't let him in if he tries again.
Wow, that sounds terrifying.
Kudos to you for standing your ground. Amazing that mother besr instinct
Scary!! When I lived in an apartment and before that in the dorm, I always felt sooooo weird about letting people in, but social etiquette tells me to hold the door. I always felt torn between the 2.
How awful! I am so glad that he decided to just take off. You are so brave. I think when it comes to protecting our children we stand up in ways that surprise ourselves.
Suzie -- this is so hard. So. Hard.
I'm glad you and the kiddos are okay.
I recently took a self-defense class that changed my life...
Email me (contact is on my blog) if you want to talk more.
im so sorry you went thru something like that. you seem like you did all the right things and were quite the mama bear, no matter how scared you were.
HAve you ever read Gavin deBecker's The Gift of Fear? You did exactly 100 percent right. Too often we're conditioned to disregard those warning feelings. I am so glad you guys weren't hurt. That's vomit-inducing scary right there.
Suzie, that is so horrible. I hate that bad alarm feeling in the pit of your stomach that goes off when something creepy and scary happen. Thank goodness you listened to it and were able to keep everyone safe. I am so glad you and your kids are OK.
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