I'm in a mood.
Yes believe it or not I do get moody.
Why am I moody dare you ask?
B has the runs.
S is teething and very clingy.
I had a dream I gained 60 pounds all in my stomach.
Everyone is sick at work.
Hubby and I had a little tiff last night (I was right of course).
None of my pants fit right
I stepped on a glue trap this morning and my sock is sticky
no matter how hard I try I cant keep the house clean
and I want a big fatty sandwich but I cant because and I'm always on a diet and I never loose any weight
I have a new hair cut and I hate it
I looked at my wedding alblum last night and I wish I looked like I did 10 years ago
and I've lost my blogging mojo
All in all it has put me in a funk.
Well you asked.
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
There is nothing worse than sticky socks. Except for a haircut you hate. Boo!
Well, at least your day's got to get better!
Some days just suck. That is why it is good they only last 24 hours
Feel better soon. I am fairly sure one fatty sammich would make it better and be totally worth it.
Then again, I have an eating disorder, so dont listen to me!
Well, at least your hair will grow back. =)
I wish I had some great advice on the weight loss thing, but I'm right there with you. =S
Well then, how about this: I went back into your archives to find a blog award that I was fortunate enough to be the recipient of last summer, and I couldn't help but bust out laughing at so many of your posts that I had forgotten about. You are one of the funniest women on the web. Even when you're in a mood. So there. Now snap out of it, because Wordless Wednesday is coming up ;)
Girlfriend - you need a night out! Get a friend or two together and let loose. Just my advice:)
Get some rest... :) Have a nice day!
I would say that somebody has a case of the Mondays, except I know that everyone wants to punch the person who says that, so I'll just keep my mouth shut and send you all the mental vodka I can muster up. Mental vodka, it gets rid of the Mondays.
Eat the sandwich! I used to trick my body into losing weight by eating something outrageously bad for a day then going back on my diet. And, if it doesn't work? Heck, you still got the sandwich! :D
You couldn't lose your blogging mojo if you were unconcious. Sorry you feel blech but you are beutiful and as gorgeous now as ever to me.
T xxx
I think I passed the Mondays to you. My only suggestion is chocolate, alcohol, and lots of sleep. (The last one was meant to make you at least smile, because as moms of toddlers you know we never get lots of sleep!).
And WTF, I can't fit in my pants either. Damn Halloween candy.
I know how you feel. Work sucks right now and I just found out that my guest poster for tomorrow needs an extension. And I feel like I have to post something. So now that I'm overworked and cranky, I suddenly have to be creative. Why did I start a blog again?
That's quite a list for Monday. I would eat the sandwich.
Well Honey, you are just having a day :( Maybe you should go back to bed and then get up again. I wonder if that would make things better? :)
Here's a {hug} for you.
We all have days like this.
The funk is going around and it's no fun at all. I have it too. Like a head cold, but with hormones. SUPER.
The google ad to my right wants me to click on "Adult Diapers." That's not helping my funk...
damn. Where is that MOJO? Here, mojo! Here, mojo! (I'm whistling. Can you hear me??????)
i've totally been there...we all get in a funk sometimes..I just recently got out of mine.
One of those days over there too?
well, at least you have a reason. i'm in a funk and don't know why... kids were even being good today and all i wanted in the world was to get the hell away from them. uhg. hope you get out of yours soon.
...sorry, didn't mean to be a downer on your blog :-/
i really really do hope things look up for you.
sending you some happy vibes!
Poor Suzie! I would be depressed after all that too!
Hope things start looking up soon :)
It's probably the change in the weather. Assuming where you live there has been a change. That always gets me. Lack of sunshine makes me grumpy.
I hope you get over the funk soon!
I'm sorry but I had to laugh at your sticky sock - SO the sort of thing that would happen to me!
Big hugs.
But your still alive to vote tomorrow so things are looking up>>>>lol
we did ask and we, err, I am SO THERE WITH YOU.
here's to a better today.
to my guy :) winning.
Here's hoping it doesn't get worse with the election results.
I hate those days. I hope your week gets better.
Go for the sandwich!
All else will pass in time, even the sticky sock.
:) LOL!! Sticky socks sound awful. Ew I hate sticky socks! Of course mine are usually sticky from bananas thrown on the floor... and my house is a horrid mess too! I really wonder if anyone who blogs has a clean house these days?
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