I love my hubby I do. But why? Why?
I've asked him so many time. Pleaded, demanded but still every morning there they are. The used coffee cups with dirty napkins inside.
Its just the grossest thing. Putting my hands into that mug and pulling out that used dirty napkin. It makes me gag.
I know marriage is a give and take. The blending of two lives to create one family but if I had known it would involve taking dirty old napkins out of used coffee cups...well... I would have taken a much much longer honeymoon.
Random Nonsense
4 days ago
It is so odd the things our family members do to us! Yesterday I found a lovely mound of toenail clippings my 14 year old left for me on my bathroom floor. He is thoughtful like that.
I think I have been guilty of that a few times.
Oh now I feel lucky my hubby doesn't drink coffee. Happy WW!!
Just be thankful he doesn't "dip" tobacco like my husband does. Now THAT is precious. :)
I tend to think of passive agressive things to do, like line up all of the coffee cups with the napkins still in them on the counter until there aren't any clean ones left. Then when he asks for a clean mug, say, "Oh, I thought it was your turn to do the dishes."
i'm the bad one in our house.... now i feel guilty :-/
He probably thought you needed something extra to do today. Or a good reason to think about him. Or maybe he just wanted to be your WW topic. Yea, that's it.
I have seen this done when dining out but not at home. I say shoot him.
AAAACK! MY HUSBAND DOES THE SAME EXACT THING! And I've asked him not to do it so many times!
He also leaves his Splenda wrappers on the counter. Along with a dribbly coffee spoon.
Amen, sister!
At least he finishes the coffee. I used to find mold filled coffee cups all our house. The thing that really gets me though, is putting the clothes outside the hamper instead of in it. That makes me crazy, or clothes tucked behind the bathroom door. Now those are the things I don't like to pick up. Yucky.
I am def guilty of leaving my gross coffee spoon on top of the cofee maker every AM.
Hubs leaves his newspaper all over my kitchen, drives me NUTS! : )
Dear Blogger Person,
Thank you for sharing.
However, my guess and this is only a guess, is that your hubby is doing that to clean out the cup from any brownie treats that might have stuck to the sides. It seems to me that he is, in fact, doing a good thing. I wouldn't go as far as saying that he is be "generous of spirit" but he certainly is being mindful that the dish washer sometimes needs a helping hand.
With this in mind, I say, hoorah.
Hoorah for his thoughtfulness.
Hooray for his ingenuity.
Hoorah for the napkins.
Gross! But the anonymous post cracked me up. So that's how men think!
Is it me or does this remind anyone else of Sex & The City's Charlotte when she became exasperated with Harry's tea bag detritus? She told her friends, "we have a little bit of a tea bag problem" and Samantha's off color advice was priceless. If I was a little less of a prude (I admit my flaws) I'd try to come up with something similar for dirty napkins in cups. Sorry - can't do it - dirtier minds will have to take that one on.
too funny. These are the things they never tell you about marriage.
It is right up there with throwing actual trash in the disposal sink; I HATE reaching into all that gross food to pick out someone's wrapper or napkin. WHY?
That's pretty funny. At my house, the offensive cup would bet set on his pillow of our bed, waiting for him to handle it. And it would be replaced there every day until it was handled.
Works great with teens anyways!
LOL!! My hubby is the same way! Ugh!! Annoying as hell!
That is kinda yucky. I know I have my own bad habits, though, and I'm sure if I was married I would be reminded of them (maybe even cured of a few).
Point him in the direction of a trash can and a sponge.
Ummm, maybe he should wash his own coffee cup? Just a thought, but then again, maybe it's because of thoughts like this that I am still single!
Thanks for dropping my WW post this week.
I agree with Liz. Me thinks you are enabling him. But maybe it's because of thoughts like this that I'm getting divorced.
It has never occurred to me to do that. But I'm sure there are a hundred other annoying things I do that would drive my wife nuts if I had one.
Maybe that's why I don't have one.
Hey you could quit using paper napkins..unless you think he'd stuff cloth in the cups too. Or use paper cups and just toss everything...not very ecofriendly. But in the great scheme of things it's really not that terrible, is it?
You know, it's kind of funny because I do this myself when I rinse out a travel mug at work. I stick a papertowel inside so it doesn't leak all over the place, and I'm totally grossed out when I get home and have to take it back out. Still I continue to do this. I'm sick.
I can't stand picking up after my husband too.
oh and that thingy with the stringy floating like a dingy doesn't make us singy just to let you know. Touche!!
oh and that thingy with the stringy floating like a dingy doesn't make us singy just to let you know. Touche!!
Yah, it's the "little things" that make me crazy too.
my husband twists his 2 used q-tips together and leaves them laying around.
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What gets me is the fact that you ask, and you ask, and you ask, and you ask, and it makes noooooooooo difference. Ugh!
the things we end up doing for our loved ones! Happy WW
I hate it when they stick to the inside. Ick!
ugh. disgusting. my husband leaves his napkin in his cereal bowl in the old milk. yummmmo!
ugh. disgusting. my husband leaves his napkin in his cereal bowl in the old milk. yummmmo!
Mine leaves grape seeds in water glasses.
But yes, ya gotta love them!
LOL! For me it's the crumpled and balled up dirty socks. There's nothing worse than having to unball a dirty sweaty sock before putting it in the washing machine!
I'm leaving you an award over at my blog tonight. Check it out!
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Thank you for sharing!I hope your weekend is awesome!
I'm gagging a little myself.....
Sylvia is finally learning that I don't enjoy cleaning the left-over food in her lunch box. As I reach for it to get the next day's lunch ready, she scrambles out of her chair so fast. I love her!
oh no why would he do that! men can be so irritating! im forever telling mine to clear his plate! drives me crazy!
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